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- Rogue Amoeba | Audio Hijack: Record Any Audio on MacOS 



Complete walkthrough of Audio Hijack 3 features.


Major Enhancement: Audio Hijack is now smarter in dealing with missing and re-appearing audio devices. In addition, when a device is not plugged in, Audio Hijack will alert you so you can adjust your settings. Previously, Audio Hijack could simply fail to capture audio, and that was far from ideal. We recommend our own editor Fission , of course, but any editor may be chosen. Option-click to reset this preference. Keyboard control has been expanded for quick access to important recording controls.

Turn off all Recordings in a Session with Commmand-K. Pause all Recordings with Command-B. Split all Recordings with Command-T. Several minor cosmetic improvements have been made, including fixes for icons in the App Source popup and flickering in the Recording tab. Certain rare and unsupported combinations of AAC settings which previously caused an error are now correctly limited in the UI. As usual, we recommend getting the latest version right away! The Recorder block now has a "Stopped" state, shown when a File Limit is reached or the Block is turned off.

Critical Bug Fix: This update fixes a thankfully rare issue, where timers could break and begin to behave inconsistently. Critical Bug Fix: A regression introduced in version 3.

All timers should now function as expected. Major Enhancement: Overall latency in Audio Hijack has been massively reduced, and improvements to prevent latency from growing have been made as well. If you had issues with latency previously, please test this new version. Critical Bug Fix: Due to faulty logic, on days when clocks changed for Daylight Saving Time, timers previously suffered from off-by-one-hour issues. This has now been corrected, so timers will work correctly on all days of the year.

Files are named correctly after splits, and the finalization of longer files is better handled. The Recordings and Schedule tabs now feature "Delete Recording s " and "Delete Timer s " buttons respectively, to make it much more obvious how to delete these items. An issue where a popover could come down with an uncontrollable case of the jiggles has been corrected. It may have looked funny, but it was certainly not correct!

Various other minor interface improvements, including preventing unnecessary scrolling in the Library, updating highlight colors, tweaking the schedule layout slightly, adding a "No Presets" view when the last preset is deleted, and improving editing of an active timer.

Critical Bug Fix: We've fixed an issue where App Nap could affect recordings, particularly unattended recordings, resulting in incomplete or incorrect audio. If you experienced any issues with incomplete recordings, this update should cure things. Enhancement: Recorder settings can now be tweaked when a Recorder block is off, regardless of the state of the Session running or not.

The Recordings tab will now update titles to reflect file name or title tag changes, as well as other tag changes. If Instant On is not installed, dragging a System Audio block into a running Session will now not pop a whole mess of errors. Nice, huh? Session windows now properly remember to re-open on launch, and the Home window now opens behind other Session windows on launch, not in front of them. The text of the Ducking block has been updated in an attempt at greater clarity.

Its functionality is unchanged. It is no longer possible to delete in-progress recordings. That was weird, so we no longer allow it. Previously, there was a complex and confusing issue where splitting AAC or ALAC files could eventually result in a file winding up mis-named and a directory higher than it should have been.

A preliminary fix to avoid the issue is now in place. Critical Bug Fix: An issue where audio could get crackly and eventually stop playing through properly has been fixed.

Critical Bug Fix: A rare but serious bug where Audio Hijack could pinwheel and die at the end of a recording has been corrected. Bug Fix: We crushed an irritating bug where text fields in the Recordings tab would lose focus with each keystroke.

Bug Fix: Importing of old Sessions is now more robust, and correctly imports all timers and tags. Bug Fix: Improvements to latency have been made, particularly to prevent latency growth. Further improvements to latency issues are expected in future versions.

Recorders which hit a File Limit will now correctly resume after either the Block or the Session is toggled off and back on. A disabled timer could stop a recording currently being made by another timer. Variables in Recorder Block tags and file names are now properly expanded, to fix both omitted fields and issues with expansion. When a Recorder Block has variables in multiple fields which refer to one another, this is now handled sensibly.

As well, variables in Recorder Block tags can no longer incorrectly refer back to themselves. A rare issue where Blocks could leave, well, droppings, has been corrected. Honestly, it looked like the Block had defecated. It was hilarious, but wrong. Accessibility improvement: The first block pasted into the Audio Grid is now properly selected and described by VoiceOver.

Accessibility improvement: The disclosure buttons for advanced sections in popovers and library sub-sections are now skipped by VoiceOver. These sections automatically expand on VoiceOver-interact. The buttons were poorly described, and of no value to VoiceOver users.

Accessibility improvement: Schedule times were incorrectly read by VoiceOver, which could be very, very confusing! They'll now be read correctly. Accessibility improvement: The "Hide Library" button which hides the library from VoiceOver navigation, as well as visually is now correctly labeled for VoiceOver. Accessibility improvement: Animations of blocks adding, deleting, or moving Blocks are now disabled when VoiceOver is in use, to avoiding confusing VoiceOver.

Animations resume when Audio Hijack is restarted. Holy Wow! Audio Hijack 3 is a completely redesigned upgrade to all previous Audio Hijack apps. If you've ever purchased a product called "Audio Hijack", you can upgrade to Audio Hijack 3 with a great discount. Session Templates - For a quick way to begin common tasks, look no further than Session Templates.

Common tasks in Audio Hijack are now faster than ever. Just add multiple Recorder Blocks to get multiple files! Bulletproof Audio Recording - Every format in Audio Hijack is now bulletproof, so even if your computer crashes, you'll never lose a recording again. Denoise, Declick, Dehum - Clean up dirty audio with these custom audio effects, powered by audio technology licensed from industry leader iZotope. Simplified Audio Effects - Harness the power of audio effects without needing a degree in audio engineering.

Audio Block Presets - Saving presets for an Equalizer is obvious, but how about other settings? If you haven't looked at Audio Hijack for a while, you'll be thrilled to see that installation and updates to Instant On no longer require a restart. Streamlined Recording Options - Audio Hijack offers a half-dozen sensible defaults for recording. Of course, if you're looking for powerful recording options, they're still available too. Full-Screen Mode - Whether configuring a tricky Session or focusing on a recording, going full-screen helps you focus.

The Ducking Effect - With this effect, one signal can automatically be ducked under another, based on input levels. The Time Shift Effect - Still in its infancy, this effect enables you to pause and delay audio in your chain. Pause audio entirely, jump backwards or forwards 10 seconds, or jump back to Live. The New Volume Effect - Overdrive audio to maximize the output from small speakers like those found on laptops. This can be especially helpful for visually impaired users.

Output Device Blocks include a built-in monitor control for output volumes. Adjust this to lower the volume locally, without affecting your recording. Quick access to your recording location is now available right in the Recorder block, by clicking the magnifying glass. Just select FaceTime and Record!

Instant On 8. Note that scripts which specify Timer Actions may require updating. An extremely rare issue where audio from iTunes could be lost when toggling videos between full-screen and windowed mode has been fixed.

Latency be gone! We've made improvements to limit latency of processed audio during long audio device capture sessions, and also to prevent static and skips. The License window has been updated, to handle upgrades. It will now show a "Discounted Upgrade" screen to anyone with an older license key.

An emergency update, necessitated by immediate changes Apple has made to their Gatekeeper system, restores compatibility on Mac OS X The ability to capture Text to Speech audio has been restored, after being briefly broken by recent changes. The Instant On component has been updated to version 8, with support for Yosemite.

This update provides several improvements and bug fixes. The Instant On component has been updated to version 7. We've improved the selection of hidden apps, when holding down the option key while clicking the Source selector. Capturing audio from applications which are pulling from audio devices should now have much lower latency.

We disabled erroneous editing in the mailing list window. Sorry, sorry, got a bit carried away there. The audio capture engine has been completely overhauled. Audio capture from some sources may behave differently than it did previously. Please adjusted the revised "Advanced" settings as needed, and contact us with feedback. This update provides improvements to System Audio capture and audio capture from Safari. The app now has a hidden "Check for News" option, accessible by pressing option while in the "Audio Hijack Pro" menu.

The preference for installing updates automatically is now on by default. The user is shown this the first time, however, and has a chance to turn it off. The Instant On component has been updated to version 6. We've fixed a crash which could occur when the source application was quit while audio was being captured from it. The "Add To iTunes as Bookmarkable" script would sometimes fail.

Now, it should always work. Or at the very least, work more often. That bug was reported to Apple and is fixed in iTunes Nevertheless, we've worked around it as well. Audio capture has been made more robust, thanks to fascinating changes like "don't keep trying to hijack a process if it has been removed or already hijacked" and "fix hang where dispatch queue exceeds 64 thread limit from hijacking sandboxed subprocesses".

Nearly impenetrable! But all you need to know is that audio capture is more reliable than ever. A rare issue with Recording hotkeys has been corrected, making it possible to use Option in shortcuts. A bug where the 'Quit Audio Hijack Pro' option could cause future timers to fail to schedule has been fixed.

Multiple problems with AppleScript support have been taken care of: Recording now stops when Hijacking stops in scripts, and the Joint Stereo setting for recording now works. A bug where 4FX plugin instances would not correctly show in the Effects area has been corrected.

Software updates have been improved, with automatic downloads and install on quit, based on a newer version of Sparkle. The update comes in addition to Instant On 6. To avoid triggering an alarming and overzealous warning on Mac OS X The Instant On component has been updated to version 6, with improvements to System Audio capture and more.

This update also includes preliminary support for Mac OS X For maximum compatibility, the Instant On component is now required for capturing audio from apps made by Fluid. Instant On has been updated to version 5. This update also fixes a potential conflict with Qt-based applications, including Sibelius.

A regression which affected audio capture from older versions of Skype specifically, Skype 2. A bug where Audio Hijack Pro could inadvertently create hundreds of files on long recordings has been corrected.

Specifically, recordings are automatically split if they reach 2 GB in size or 24 hours in length. This update also fixes a very rare startup issue. This is accomplished with Instant On 4. AppleScripts which are triggered when a recording finishes now run on their own thread instead of in their own process. Script users should test their scripts to ensure they still function as expected. A bug where the VoiceOver effect would produce silence on Lion when the buffer was set to "Low" has been corrected.

Additional preliminary bug fixes for Mac OS X Full Lion support is still forthcoming. AppleScripts are now run on background threads. Users with custom AppleScripts should test them to ensure they still function as expected.

Audio Hijack Pro can now capture audio from Google Chrome and Firefox 4 with no additional setup needed. Some preliminary bug fixes for Mac OS X An issue where the Instant On component could fail to install properly has been fixed. If you receive a notice of an update to Instant On, be sure to install it. The updated Instant On component works better than ever to capture audio from running applications, as well as all System Audio.

A bug affecting recording from many headsets has been fixed. This will result in improved recording from Logitech headsets and Blue Snowball microphones. An issue affecting hijacking from both Skype 2. Audio Hijack Pro is now once again full compatible with all versions of Skype. Audio Hijack Pro 2. The Instant Hijack component has been updated to 2. The Instant Hijack component, used to capture audio from already-running applications, has been updated to 2.

A bizarre bug causing licenses keys containing the sequence "" to be rejected has been fixed. Audio Hijack Pro now uses Instant Hijack 2. Performance: A bug where a large amount of timers would cause AHP to launch slowly has been fixed. Improved and polished user interface, including a global status LCD and updated Recording Bin with file inspector.

Hijacking: Instant Hijack updated to 2. Hijacking: Fixed long-standing bug where hijacker would cause audio skips when under heavy CPU load. Includes Instant Hijack 2. Fixed bug where ADB keyboards could cause an characterAtIndex: exception to be thrown when pressing the Power key really. Audio Devices: Fixed bug where a missing audio device would sometimes revert to the Default system device.

Schedule Helper v 1. Possible AIFF crasher fix. Interface: Variables popup in the Recording pane now shows up in the text fields that support variables. See 'About Instant Hijack' in the Application menu. Registration: Using new, slightly more secure 3 billion digit long just 45, really registration codes. Will use Audio Hijack Server.

Otherwise will use 'relaunch required' hijacking method. Advanced Hijacking Options: Useful for certain applications that output multiple streams of audio, or to multiple devices. Option-Click 'Hijack' to access. Hijacking iChat now works without any tinkering, although you only receive the other side of the conversation. And no, I've never heard of it either, why do you think I'm listing it last. E-mail to localize for your language!

License key not working? If this fails, take a screenshot of the License window and send it to us. Lost license key?

If you've previously purchased, but are unable to find your key, the License Recovery Tool can automatically resend it. To capture a screenshot on MacOS, read these instructions from Apple. To capture a screenshot on Windows, read these instructions from Microsoft. If you need personal assistance, or you just want to provide feedback, you can reach our support team via email. All rights reserved.

Audio Hijack 4. An issue where the Recording Inspector could fail to show the genre selector has been corrected. The Recording Inspector now better shows in-progress recordings. The edit button for renaming blocks now properly moves its position related to the title. A graphical glitch which could occur when dragging plugin windows has been fixed.

Assorted improvements have been made to make timers function more reliably. Software Update checks now occur only after the Welcome Window has been closed.

Deleting a recording that's currently playing now correctly stops playback. Pinned block popovers now stay on screen, even if their session is closed. Session errors now explicitly mention, by name, the session in which the error occurred. Help tags for popover controls have been updated, and now correctly reflect state. The interface will now always update when starting a session via a script. Small adjustments have been made to messaging for the Scheduler, which is used to power timers.

When a block is turned off, the pipeline now adjusts visually, to make this more obvious. Audio devices are now sorted alphabetically for better clarity. Audio Hijack now supports single key shortcuts for hotkeys set in the Preferences window. Control-clicking a recording in the Recordings tab will now reveal a useful contextual menu.

The appearance of meters throughout the app have been updated and improved. Arrow keys now work to navigate through the Recordings tab of a session. Mono Audio Unit plugins now work better within Audio Hijack. The Release Notes window has been improved when in Dark Mode. Holding Shift while dragging a slider will now prevent it from snapping to a default point.

If Audio Hijack is corrupted possibly by editing the binary , it will now error on launch. Audio Hijack 3. Improvements have been made to title track transmission, for better compatibility with MegaSeg. Sample rate matching clock synchronization for audio devices has been improved. Plugin interfaces should now always load as expected, fixing a regression in Audio Hijack 3. A crash which could occur due to sample rate mismatches has been fixed. Improvements have been made for dealing with Intel plugins on Apple Silicon-powered Macs.

An issue where freshly-downloaded apps could cause an error on capture has been fixed. Audio Hijack will now load emulated non-native plugins on Apple Silicon Macs. Updates to the names of Loopback virtual audio devices are now immediately reflected. A buffer overflow, which could have caused a crash, has been addressed. Tags and other text fields are now saved fully before passed to other applications. As Glenn said, there's a way to do the same thing in 3, but it would complicate my workflow.

Audio Hijack 3 lacks a single button to send recordings to Fission. I'm sure this will be fixed, maybe alongside a new version of Fission, but again, it's something nice to have in a single button.

No option to run an AppleScript after recording. I'm too much of a control freak to use it, but it will inconvenience some of our contributors. However, my recording needs are quite basic. If I recording a podcast with Skype, the upgrade would be a no-brainer. And it's great to see Intermission's functionality integrated into AH3. I just bought the update only to find out that it won't work on my current system.

Good point. We generally assume that entirely new versions of software won't work on more than one version back, but it's best to state that.

Please do get in touch with Rogue Amoeba for a refund, however. They have excellent customer service in my experience. Sorry Alexandra. I've added that to the article.

Rogue Amoeba should be happy to refund your money, but if you have any problems, please let us know. Thanks Josh and Glenn. The truth is, I have been thinking about upgrading my iMac to Yosemite, so perhaps this is just the gentle little shove I needed to do just that ;-. The old version does exactly what I want how I want.

No reason to upgrade until some new Mac OS breaks version 2. Glenn, can you elaborate a little on how you're using Soundflower in the multi-source podcast setup that you describe? You say that you're "setting a sound-effects program to route itself through Soundflower", but what is that sound-effects program and why are you routing it through Soundflower instead of simply capturing it directly in AH using another Application block?

If, for example, I wanted to play music in the podcast, I could just stick iTunes or djay Pro or something like that here though admittedly doing it that way prevents the Skype callers from hearing it, so I might want to devise some other plumbing here. It's exactly that scenario, though I didn't go into it.

You might want to send the input into Skype for participants from SoundCloud after mixing in sound effects but also use the same Soundflower input to mix it separately through Audio Hijack. Relatedly: I've used Soundflower in the past but it's not always reliable, especially when OS X versions change, and it's also completely unsupported even though Rogue Amoeba appears to "own" it now.

Though I've not used it before, I'm considering using StaticZ's Sound Siphon in this role, to create custom devices that can then be mixed as desired in an AH session. Have you used Sound Siphon, and do you know whether it could take the place of Soundflower in your setup?

Ideally I'd prefer to just do all audio routing and mixing directly in AH without the complication of an additional router like Sound Siphon, but I'm not sure that's possible. Then there's Jack OS X, but I haven't really looked closely at that in years, though it still seems to be in active development. I have not used Sound Siphon. Soundflower's unreliability I think is between updates, and the Yosemite version installs without a reboot, so I love that.

Can you point me to an up-to-date version of Soundflower for Yosemite? The packages I've found are older, and also still require a reboot upon installation. Install inside Audio Hijack 3 even if you don't use the new version, you can use it to install Soundflower. I've been using AH 3. Its great EXCEPT when inserting any effects at all, I begin to get lots of pops, clicks, distortions and sometimes downright crashes of the app.

I've been troubleshooting with RAmoeba's tech support for the last 3 days and have tried about 50 different trouble shooting methods involving AH, Mac OS, my DAW and the problems persist whenever I try to use any plugin built-in or 3rd party. For anyone who still records old vinyl, it appears that there is no way in this new version to split files on detecting silence.

That will keep me from dumping the old version for the time being. I hope it is in the works for a future update. I'm using Audio Hajack 3 to record simple FaceTime calls with the pre-set voice call session. All is well during recording, but when I play it back, I hear an echo in the caller's side. Continue reading this manual to learn much more.

Everything in Audio Hijack begins with a session , a reusable collections of settings used to capture and manipulate audio however you like. Sessions are the fundamental document of Audio Hijack, and they're continuously saved as you adjust them. Once a session is configured to your needs, you'll run it to record, broadcast, or adjust audio. The Session List window provides a list of all your saved sessions for re-use.

The Session List window. To open any existing session, double-click its name in the list. To create a new session, click the New Session button. To delete a session you no longer need, click once to highlight it, then click the - button in the window's lower right corner. In addition to creating and loading sessions, the Session List window also functions as a dashboard, with in-line session controls and information.

Once a session is configured, you can start and stop it right from here, and monitor its status as well. When you click the New Session button, the Template Chooser will open. The Template Chooser. The Template Chooser provides templates for common uses of Audio Hijack. Choose the type of capture you'd like to perform, then tweak the resulting session to get it just right. Alternately, to start from scratch, select the Blank template to create an empty session.

To quickly create a new blank session, hold option as you click the New Session button in the Home window. This will skip the Template Chooser window. With Audio Hijack's global window, you can control sessions even when Audio Hijack is in the background.

Access the global window in the upper right of the MacOS menu bar. Audio Hijack's global icon, in the MacOS menu bar.

The global window. From here, you can start or stop a session, as well as view its current status. You can also open a specific session by double-clicking it. The global window can be accessed system-wide by clicking its icon in the menu bar.

For even faster access, it's also possible to make the full window visible at all times, with the Pin button. The global window's Pin button. When you click the Pin button in the upper-left of the global menu, the menu will detach and transform into a floating window. The global window , floating. This will float above all other windows on your system, providing instant access and control over your sessions.

Click the Pin button again to return the global window to the menu bar. The global window is turned on by default, but it is optional. To remove it from the menu bar, toggle it off in the Preferences window. The audio grid is the heart of each session. Within a session, you'll chain together blocks in the audio grid , creating a pipeline for audio to flow through. To set up a session, add two or more blocks from the block library in the sidebar to the audio grid.

By default, connections will be made automatically between nearby blocks. You can always experiment to get the exact audio pipeline you're after, and if you need to, just select Undo to revert undesired changes.

When a session is activated by clicking the Run button, audio from the sources selected will flow through the blocks in the audio grid from left to right by default.

The audio is shown in orange as it flows through the audio pipeline. Each block in the chain will adjust, output, or record the audio according to its settings. If you want to mute output, deactivate or remove any Output blocks in the chain instead.

The available blocks for use in the audio grid can be found in the block library , located in the sidebar of each session. Every session will need at least one Source block, which will bring audio in, as well as one Output block, to record audio , broadcast it, or pass it along to your speakers.

Sessions can also use audio effect blocks to change and improve audio. Meter blocks provide visual meters so you can see how audio is flowing. Finally, Advanced blocks provide additional ways to manipulate audio, discussed in depth on the Advanced Blocks page.

The library provides a quick overview of all blocks. Once a block is placed in the audio grid , its distinct configuration options can be adjusted using block controls. The sequence of blocks you lay out will determine what audio is affected by Audio Hijack, and how it's affected. Block layouts can be very simple, like this layout where audio from the computer's built-in microphone is being recorded.

Layouts can also be more complex, and more powerful. Below, audio from two different inputs is being adjusted with different audio effects. Each input is then recorded separately, before a third recording combining the two is made. This layout will result in three different audio files. Once you've laid out your blocks, you may also wish to tweak their individual settings. A few blocks offer controls right on their face. The Volume block, with on-face controls. The Output block's popover. Each popover contains custom settings and controls for that particular block.

These are largely straight-forward, though some audio effects have more complex settings. Remember that you can always experiment to get the sound you're after. By default, Audio Hijack handles the logic of connecting blocks to create the session's audio pipeline. This is recommended for most users, but if you wish to tweak things yourself, you can.

To begin, turn off the Automatic Connections switch in the session's Info tab. When Automatic Connections are turned off, you must manually connect one block to another to create the audio pipeline. This is done in the session's edit mode, which can be entered by clicking the Edit Connections button in the lower right of the audio grid.

Once in edit mode, you have full control over the pipeline. To delete a connection, click the pipeline segment, then select Delete from the Edit menu, or press Command-Delete on the keyboard. When you've finished configuring your pipeline, exit the edit mode by clicking Stop Editing.

After you've precisely configured a session, you may find it useful to share it with others. Whether you have a podcasting partner or just someone you're trying to assist, Audio Hijack makes this easy with its shareable sessions. To export a session, have it open in the foreground or click to highlight it in the Session List window, then select Export Session from the Session menu. Choose a location, and Audio Hijack will save your session out as a. Once you have your. When another Audio Hijack user opens the file, the session will be automatically imported.

It's a great way to show off your custom setup. Importing a session is a snap too. As long as you have Audio Hijack installed, you can just double-click the. Audio Hijack will launch and import the session instantly. Either way, the new session will appear right in your Session List window, ready for inspection and use. On this page, we'll review each of those tabs. The Blocks tab contains Audio Hijack's block library, which provides all available blocks for use in the audio grid.

Blocks are dragged and dropped from here into your session to configure your audio pipeline. The block library is discussed in more depth on the Mastering Sessions page. The Recordings tab shows a list of recordings previously created by a particular session, as well as any in-progress recordings.

The files themselves will be on your hard drive where you specified, of course, but the Recordings tab provides a quick way to view and act on them. To preview a recording, click its Play button. You can also click one or more recordings to highlight, then use the Actions menu to reveal the selected file s in the Finder, open them in your chosen audio editor, add them to Apple's Music app, or share them via the MacOS Share controls.

In addition, the Remove From List option will remove the item from the Recordings tab without impacting files in the Finder , while Move to Trash places the file s in the Mac's Trash, in preparation for complete deletion. When a recording is highlighted, you can also click the Inspect button or just double-click the recording to bring up the Recording Inspector. The Recording Inspector. From this window, you can view full details on the recording, edit its metadata tags, and take the aforementioned actions on it as well.

With timers, you can trigger a session to run at a specified time. Timers allow you to to record audio on a schedule or create a musical alarm. Once a timer is configured, just make sure your computer is on and you're logged in.

After that, Audio Hijack will run the session at the time you specify, launching itself and your sources if necessary.

To create a timer, click the New Timer button at the bottom of the Schedule tab. A Timer. In the Settings area, you can configure the timer to run on a specific date and time, or to recur on a repeating schedule. The Quit sources when done checkbox does some clean up after a session runs.

When active, any application sources used by the session will be quit when the session finishes. When you add your first timer, the Scheduler will be installed. This add-on is necessary for robust scheduled operation. It enables timers to wake your Mac and launch Audio Hijack. To delete a timer, highlight it, then click the - button in the bottom right corner of the window.

With automations, you can use custom JavaScript to add new behavior to Audio Hijack. This is covered in detail on the Scripting page. To create an automation, click the New Automation button at the bottom of the window.

An Automation. Use the Event selector to choose when the automation should fire, and the Run selector to pick which script will run.

The magnifying glass provides quick access to the Script Library window, where all your available scripts can be found. To delete an automation, highlight it, then click the - button in the bottom right corner of the window. The Info tab contains basic info and settings for the session. Session Title This is the name of the session, shown at the top of the window as well as in the lists in the Session List window and global window. This text field is provided for you to record any notes about the session.

Use it to keep track of minute details, or for any other purpose. In their default state, sessions automatically handle connecting blocks to create your audio pipeline. This is recommended for most users, but if you wish, you can toggle off the Automatic Connections switch to configure things manually. Learn more about manual connections on the Mastering Sessions page. Sessions can be configured to run automatically when Audio Hijack is opened, with the On Launch setting.

This makes it easy to run sessions non-stop, with minimal intervention required. When you log in to your user account, Audio Hijack will be launched and the session will start running, automatically. This is recommended for most setups, but advanced users can force Audio Hijack to process audio at a specific rate, causing all sources included in the session to be re-sampled as needed.

Audio Hijack's Recorder block makes it possible to save any audio flowing through the app. Recording audio is one of the most common use cases for Audio Hijack, so most sessions include at least one Recorder block.

This page provides helpful hints on using the block. The face of the Recorder block shows basic information, as well as controls for pausing or splitting an active recording. The Recorder block defaults to saving an MP3 file into your Mac's Music folder, naming the file with the session name, date, and time.

These defaults make it easy to begin recording. Just drop a Recorder block into your chain, and you'll be able to record audio without needing to adjust any settings at all. Of course, these default settings can all be changed as you see fit. With just a few clicks, you can adjust the file name and save location, change the recording format, and add metadata to the recording. For even more customization, read below to learn about the Recorder block's advanced options. The Quality menu in the General tab of the Recorder block contains six default options for recording.

These defaults cover the needs of most users, and most users should stick with them. More technical users are able to fully customize their recording settings in the Advanced Format Options section. Here, you can specify your preferred file format, as well as more exact recording settings. The File Limits tab provides powerful controls which can automatically affect your recording, without you needing to manually manage an actively running session. With this control, you can set Audio Hijack to split your recording based on time length or file size.

Note that Audio Hijack automatically splits any recording that reaches 2 gigabytes. This control enables you to stop recording entirely, again based on time or file size. Audio Hijack can analyze your audio stream, and take action when it detects silence in the audio.

The silence can be removed from the recording eliminating gaps in the audio , used to trigger the creation of a new file, or used to stop recording entirely. The Digital silence level is a good default for use with app sources, while the Analog level is designed to work with audio device inputs like microphones. While recording, clicking the Pause button on the Recorder block's face or the Pause Recording button in its popover will prevent audio from being added to the currently recording file.

The button will then illuminate and switch to saying Resume or Resume Recording. To resume adding audio to the currently recording file, just click again. When the Recorder block is paused, audio continues to pass through your session, but it is not added to the file you're saving. Pausing can be useful when your stream contains audio you do not wish to be saved, eliminating the need to edit the file later.

Clicking the Split button on the Recorder block's face or the Split File button in its popover will cause Audio Hijack to split your recording. The current file will be ended, and a new file will begin.

This is useful for breaking up a recording into multiple files as you record. It can be useful to see a recording's status, and to pause or split it while working elsewhere on your Mac. You can do this by making the Recording popover float, so its controls are always available.

To accomplish this, click the Detach button in the upper left of the popover, then click the Pin button to make it float above all other windows. For more details on floating popovers, see the Popover Features page. Using multiple Recorder blocks in a single session is a great way to get synchronized recordings, all with a single click. Recording to Multiple Formats If you wish to record the same audio to multiple formats, you can add multiple Recorder blocks to your session. The example session above shows two Recorder blocks with different format settings.

Because Recorder blocks don't adjust audio in the pipeline, the order of your blocks doesn't matter. In the above example, the same audio will be recorded to two different file formats. You may also wish to record different portions of your audio pipeline to different files.


Audio Hijack 3 Bumps Up the Volume - TidBITS - BANDOL T2 36 m2 in Villa PRIVATE POOL GARDEN


A high stake gambler finds the game getting the better of him as his new club demands him to murder someone, or choose suicide. A thought projection experiment takes a deadly turn as a scientist takes an extreme step and subjects his wife's subconscious to the process to persuade her to kill him!

A charming politician hides her dark part as a hippie radical and a murderer. But her game seems up as her husband is allocated the responsibility of cracking the case. A boarding lodge matron lives in fear due to a series of cruel killings of women in the neighbourhood and a new lodger who she thinks is responsible. The apparition of a dead producer Peter Truro returns to haunt the actor Jason Phillips through his television set.

The ghost repeatedly asks him to murder his wife Claire. The irate Jason is forced to consult a medium and a psychiatrist but soon gives way to believing the apparition.

He must utilize all his resources to save Claire every time Truro aggressively frames the circumstances. A luckless man is offered every material comfort in the world through free cars, houses and monetary wealth by a millionaire.

The latter only wants to swap their souls in exchange so he can regain his youth. Despite her best attempts, a kleptomaniac falls back into her old ways and is found out by some thieves.

They blackmail her to rob a diamond pin or they will reveal her true nature to her husband. A house fire claims the life of the young daughter of the house. Her bereft parents move to a new apartment but cannot seem to repair a hole in their basement wall. Gradually, cries of a voice that seems startlingly like their daughter's begins to flow through the hole.

A magician disappoints his heirs by leaving his properties with his daughter and also promises to safeguard her against all harm through a statue in his estate courtyard. On her arrival in the estate, she finds his promise true to his word.

A bored wife is tired of her menagerie chores and her husband's job priorities. She starts to believe her mirror reflection and plans to reclaim her self. The caring parents of a young woman rent her a luxurious house to recuperate from a bitter affair and an abortion. But trouble seems to shadow her footsteps as a resident spirit in the apartment haunts her. An unemployed actor plans a bizarre drama of enacting his own death and consequently impersonating his wife to claim the insurance money.

To Kill with Confidence. While traveling across the country, a couple of newlyweds are forced to stop at a nearby town due to engine trouble. The wife makes a quick visit to the local stores to grab lunch and comes back to find that both her husband and the repair shop have mysteriously vanished.

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. To escape an appointment with the gallows at Owl Creek Bridge, a confederate spy embarks on a dangerous journey through hostile territory in order to reach Dixie. When a strange turn of events allows a young man to switch illnesses with the diseased, a young man uses his gift to win the approval of his sweetheart's father. Enraged by the faithlessness of his wife, a genius scientist creates a highly-evolved rodent and sends it to attack his wife's lover.

The House of the Seven Gables. A fresh take on Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic tale of tragedy shadowing the lives of the manor residents, and the curse visited upon them. A store-keeper shows his gratitude to the police officer that saves them by giving his wife a magical figurine able to grant three boons. An unforeseen accident gives birth to the evil alter ego of the doctor in charge of the experiment. After suffering a devastating rejection at the hands of her favorite actor, an obsessed fan directs her violent rage against her former idol.

Two prisoners escape from detention with the help of a young woman. Trouble begins when they take refuge in a seemingly abandoned house in the woods. The strange circumstances surrounding her sister's death prompt a young woman to dig deeper.

She soon learns that the medication her sibling was taking was prescribed by a mysterious doctor. Determined to change her fate, a woman is granted the chance to go back in time to set her life in order. A couple take refuge from a storm in a secluded beach house, only to find themselves in the company of two strangers.

The Secret Life of Bobby Deland. A couple suffering from the death of their only child take in a young waif to fill the void in their lives. At first the orphan helps alleviate the woman's migraines however, he later repays their kindness by robbing them blind. The relationship of a married couple is tested when they transfer next to a strange house and its mysterious resident.

The wife sees her as a frail old lady, while her husband sees a beautiful temptress and their clashing views put a strain on their marriage. An ambitious maid blackmails her employer after witnessing him murder his wife. The man is plagued by the women in his life when even the spirit of his deceased spouse begins to torment him at night.

And Death Makes Even Steven. In order to seize control of his father's wealth, a slighted brother plans the murder of his twin whom he believes robbed him of his fortune. After inheriting a sprawling ranch, a young couple discover that the estate is home to a wild and beautiful Palomino stallion.

What they don't know is that the horse belongs to a powerful deity who is angered by their attempts to claim the steed as their own. In this classic tale by Oscar Wilde , a spirit repeatedly attempts to drive away the new owners of his castle and instead, becomes a source of hilarity and amusement. The Real Printer's Devil. A young couple are delighted to find an inexpensive apartment in Central Park West.

Little do they know that their new home is already occupied by an invisible guest. Convinced that a woman he met at the local bar is his soul mate, a man abandons his faithful and loyal wife in order to pursue her. He is soon plagued by visions of his death at his new lover's hands. In order to save his job and further his career, an unskilled engineer pilfers the secret to a revolutionary process from an old friend.

Now he must lie, cheat and bribe his way through life in a desperate bid to keep his new-found status. The ability to project his spiritual self to other places while asleep annoys Adam Farr's wife to no end. When she finally leaves him, he comes up with the perfect plan to woo her. While on a road trip, two women experience car trouble in the middle of the desert.

A strange old man driving an outdated wagon assists them and takes them to the nearest town. The women become suspicious and disturbed when they realize that the townsfolk do not seem to hear them. After refusing to pay blood money to the local mafia, an immigrant shoe-maker becomes the target of their ire. Angered by their misdeeds, the man hatches a plot for revenge. Meanwhile, the mob leader is torn between business and his daughter's love.

I Thought You Were Dead. After murdering her husband and partner, an authoress begins to get phone calls from her deceased spouse. She is tormented by his reminders about who possesses the real talent between them. After his death, Lord Berly of Moreland is kept in an open crypt by his physicians in deference to his fear of being buried alive.

When his body mysteriously vanishes, murder and mayhem become the key facets in this Gothic thriller set in The Picture of Dorian Gray. In exchange for eternal youth, a man makes a deal with the devil and gives up his soul.

As he is consumed by evil, his portrait changes to mirror the abomination he has become. After being widowed, Marge Miller found love in the arms of her new husband. Her peaceful life is threatened when her ex comes back from the dead demanding his share of the insurance money she received for his death. An island merchant is cast out of his village after marrying a local woman in defiance of their faith.

In order to restore his family's pride and reclaim his trade, he must go against a shrewd and highly competitive business rival. A defeated man buys an ancient typewriter from a pawn shop. The typewriter reveals itself to be like the Goose that lays golden eggs. But gold might not be the only thing it has to offer. What if it is blood? Jane Stoddard marries a man and later discovers that her husband is the infamous serial killer known as The Boston Strangler. Forced to be the bait for the cops, she must cross the country when her life is in danger.

Sister Pamela owns a priceless figurine that is stolen from her. So she quits the church and dedicates all her time to find the missing statue in order to return it to a dying nun. Help comes from a source that she never would have imagined. The Hands of Mrs. Shortly after the death of her husband, Mrs. Mallory loses control of both her hands mysteriously. She meets a woman in Central Park who seems to have lost her legs in a similar manner and decides to consult her doctor.

The consequences are beyond her expectations. A young woman and her husband own a resort that has a working cable car. Her brother, an upright engineer suspects that the cable might not be safe. He then dreams of a beautiful girl perishing in a cable car crash. Amy Hastings is a brave woman. She testified against one of New York's most infamous drug lords.

But his goons pursue her to a secluded resort where Amy and her friend are holidaying. A professional swindler seduces a lonely unmarried woman who works as a psychiatrist's assistant.

He persuades her to pilfer her employer's patient files in order to extort money from them. A guy is running away from the police and takes shelter in a friend's house. The friend is a novelist and lives with his wife.

But from the moment the fugitive appears, problems creep up between the couple. A regular clerk leaves his vocation to become a hunter - in order to impress the girl he loves. But this breaks a vow he made to his deceased mother. Her vengeful spirit puts a curse on him for doing so and his gun misses every single target. However, another friendly spirit gives him charmed bullets - that come at a price. A man is relieved of a large sum of money by a pair of wicked gamblers.

After his death, he uses a false psychic medium to wreak his revenge. The Return of Anatole Chevenic. A young man named Hans tries to convince his uncle Anatole to give him a portion of his inheritance earlier. His uncle denies his request and mentions that he has hidden the fortune away as a precaution against attempts on his life. Hans leaves in a fume and starts fantasizing about his uncle's death. A man buys an amulet that can make his wishes come true. But in order to salvage his soul, he must dispose of it before he dies by selling it for a lesser price than he had bought it for.

Johnny Promo is a convict sentenced to death. He promises a witness who testified against him that he will meet his death within a month of his own. A cop dies in an accident. His wife is mistakenly taken to be someone else by two people. Her friend tries to probe the facts as one of those people thinks that she is his former wife who left him and his children a decade ago. The Hand that Refused to Die.

A gifted pianist is devastated by the loss of his hand as a result of an automobile accident. He is infuriated when he finds out that the amputation was unnecessary. The Trouble with Murder. A wealthy lady hires an artist to paint a nude portrait of her. She becomes disturbed when he starts acting peculiarly.

Her worries are well-founded as the painter has a nasty habit of mutilating his subjects once they have outlived their usefulness. What Happened to Mrs. The ghost of a sea captain's wife plagues an abandoned house by the sea, and the water nearby is haunted by the spirit of the captain.

A frail child and his family are caught in the tempest. A tired lawyer is made to take on a murder trial with the defendant adamantly professing his innocence. But the lawyer refuses to believe his client's claims and orders a series of tests to be run on the weapon allegedly used in the crime. A couple discover that they are imprisoned in a peculiar forest inhabited by two beings - a gentle lady and a bad giant.

In order to escape, they request the assistance of the giant but soon realize that they committed a grave mistake. A middle-aged man travels to an isolated island to surprise his young beloved. But he is afflicted by uncertainty in their relationship and starts doubting himself. The Deadly Blind Man's Bluff.

In a terrible mishap, a riveter loses his eyesight. While he keeps up his physical strength, he slowly goes on a downward spiral emotionally. Besides that, his apartment is within earshot of his former construction site, making him feel much worse. The police warn the riveter and his wife about an escaped murder convict in their area, and a meeting between the two is preordained.

After having moved on with his life to the point of re-marrying, a man forces his former wife's father to bring her back to life using a self-made formula.

A young woman is horrified to learn that her soon to be brother-in-law murdered her sister as well as his previous wife. He then proceeds to disclose his intention to act out the perfect murder, with her as the star of the show.

A young lady travels to the house of her betrothed to meet him and his mother. She is stunned to find that no one in their house recognizes her - not even the man who asked for her hand two weeks back. The Golden Blood of the Sun. After migrating to Florida, a timeshare salesman runs into a series of mishaps.

Believing him to be cursed, his boss sends him to Mexico City where he subsequently discovers that he is the incarnation of an ancient Aztec prince. A young woman who recently wed buys a portrait at a public sale. It is the portrait of her husband's former wife, who was murdered during a burglary. A sick lady suspects her husband and caregiver are plotting to kill her.

With the help of her previous nurse, she struggles to survive. After his plane crashes in a secluded island, a lawyer learns that the locals employ their own judicial code. He is forced to take part in their farce of a system that ignores legal conventions. This greatly disturbs not just her lover, but her landlord as well. An elderly escape artist wants to try his hand at the greatest escape - the one that Houdini failed to complete.

But his wife and her lover don't want him to succeed in his endeavor. A middle-aged man marries a young girl he begins to believe might be a sorceress.

He enlists the aid of his physician to get to the bottom of the mystery. A Senator finds out that his daughter is living with a known felon in Europe who is already on the watch list of his commission. He fears this could ruin his political aspirations. A seasoned thief discovers a way to pull off the perfect crime while in jail.

A fellow prisoner hands him a special chemical that will allow him to sleep for centuries. But has he calculated how the world around him will change with the passage of time? A young boy who happens to be a minister's son is admitted to a hospital with fatal wounds. Though his health improves, he has lost his soul forever. A man is placed in solitary confinement for a crime he did not commit. He somehow makes an unlikely friend while in seclusion.

A man loses his life and soul in order to claim the woman he desires. He possesses her after his death and her family attempts to exorcise him. A seasoned charlatan somehow survives a massive train accident.

He then plots to claim the insurance money belonging to a widow. A young man thinks he is the incarnation of serial killer who was hanged for a series of murders in the s. He finds an old photo of the killer in the public museum, and also a man well-versed in the history of the crimes.

How Eberhard Won His Wings. A virtuous man is blessed with a pair of wings for his spotless conduct and commitment towards good. But both he and his wife think it ridiculous to wear them. They both try to find a sin that he can attempt so they will be taken back. A more modern version of the classic Romeo and Juliet, with the story taking place in Hawaii.

Disaster follows the couple as their marriage is strictly prohibited by their families who have a secret to hide. A hardened middle-aged man marries a wealthy lady for pragmatic reasons. When he falls in love with a young girl at the same time, he conspires to kill his wife using her obsession with rattlesnakes,.

A storekeeper is selected to be the next 'Lahmed Vovnik'. This is a notion rooted within the more mystical beliefs of Hebrew legends declaring that there are only 36 people who are fit to inhabit this world. The devil sets out to influence this Thirty Sixth Man. The Strange Voyage of the Lady Dee. While on a boat trip, a young couple and their daughter become lost in the dense fog. The spirit of a woman lures them to a strange island whose sole inhabitant proves to have questionable motives.

In order to escape their father's tyrannical ways, a pair of sisters join a circus as tattooed girls. On the surface, their actions are meant to insult and humiliate their father, but one sibling has grander scheme in mind. After winning a game of chance, a man gains possession of a cursed pocket watch.

He is slowly consumed by the obsession to keep it wound. A couple encounters a UFO landing on Earth. Though the husband insists on denying what he saw, his wife starts to get neighbourly visits from aliens. This is the tale of the lewd monk Rasputin, who was the spiritual consultant of Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family. The Aaron Burr Murder Case. In a re-enactment of a famous duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.

The actor portraying Hamilton is killed by when his partner's gun fires real bullets instead of blanks. The police investigate and soon find that all evidence point towards the real Aaron Burr as the perpetrator of the crime. A young gambler from the s tries to outwit the Devil by using two special dice, thereby altering a predetermined fate he was bound to endure due to an ancestor's Faustian mistake.

Now the intriguing question is - which war? A doctor meets a drunkard friend in a bar. They reminisce the times they defiled graves in order to sell the corpses to a medical school. A young couple expecting a child also happen to inherit a furnished house. Among their acquired furniture is a phone that can send them back in time to relive the lives of their ancestors. They slowly realize that their ancestors were not very nice.

A government official investigates the death of a very rich man an each witnesses narrates the incident differently. The man's best friend informs the coroner that he was murdered by a mysterious, invisible creature of a color invisible to human eyes.

An extremely wealthy man marries a woman on the spur of a moment. His wife dies soon after the marriage, and this affects him in such a way that he becomes obsessed with the desire toreclaim her from the grave. His behavior distresses his family and longtime butler.

A married woman moves back to her birthplace in New York when her husband is posted there for work. She visits the house she grew up in and meets a childless old lady. They bond in a strange, symbiotic manner as mysterious things happen to her childhood quarters.

An explosion occurs in a departmental store, leaving an old lady badly wounded who is immediately taken to the emergency unit of a hospital.

She is freaked out when she cannot find her granddaughter whom she just met after a decade. In the meantime a young lady is brought to the hospital after sustaining a severe head injury resulting in amnesia.

Are the women related? The House of the Voodoo Queen. A husband and wife gain possession of a house in New Orleans known to be inhabited by a malicious ghost. Another woman works her charm on the husband in order to get her hands on the house.

An aged dancer attempts to enter a pact with the devil to sacrifice her soul in return for her youth and skill. But she backs out of the deal at the last minute - with severe consequences. A very moving story about a cranky old man and a little girl trying to persuade him to play Santa Claus. Turn About Is Foul Play. A man together with his girlfriend plots to kill his rich and sickly wife.

At the last moment he experiences a change of heart but someone carries out the job for him. As all evidence point towards him, he must prove his innocence to the police without even a shred of proof to support him. A man tries to aid an elderly Jew and his granddaughter evade the Nazis tailing them.

The old man begins to resurrect a mythical being from old Hebrew legend to save them. A private detective tries to track two radioactive pearls that were used to murder two women.

He travels to Hawaii disguised as a novelist and mixes with the inhabitants while thwarting the assassins sent to kill him.

A professional football player becomes disillusioned with the brutality of the game and leaves. But his wife and her mother accuse him of domestic violence and send him to prison. He comes back to avenge the injustice. The Many Names of Death. A trust officer in a bank hires a sexy secretary.

She charms him to take a few rash steps and walk the wilder side of things. The ride may turn out more bumpy for him than he expected. A doctor helps his friend dig up the corpse of his loved one who married a wicked man.

They find her to be alive, and now her evil husband wants her back! The Murders in the Rue Morgue. In order to solve the case of a vicious attack on a young girl in a locked room, an ambitious police investigator enlists the services of a newbie detective. The man makes a unique suggestion.

A man makes a voyage to the US from Europe and meets an old friend carrying a peculiar oblong box that apparently contains an obscure painting. The strange shape of the box influences the fellow passengers to think that the box contains something far from innocent. A young man falls in love with his young sister-in-law while his wife lies on her deathbed. The last distressing smile of his wife taunts him day and night, and he goes crazy when he sees the same smile on his new beloved.

The Masque of the Red Death. This is a modern day adaptation of Poe's classic. Here, an environmental disaster occur which results in a massive plague. An old man isolates himself and his family in his manor to wait out the epidemic. An unlucky family is forced to live with their perverted uncle, where they are forced to face endless chores, hunger, and even sexual harassment. The Cask of Amontillado. A young lady is forced to sleep with her husband's greedy and lecherous backer to avert a fiancial disaster.

In order to avenge this dishonor, the man extends an irresistible invitation to him. A young man witnesses an assassination by a gang and is fatally wounded in the process.

Though he survives, he is now too scared to testify. The police need information but can't get anything out of him. They finally resort to an inventive method with the help of a hospital to get him to speak. A converted swindler turned faith healer learns that he can heal anyone in his island except his lame wife. He soon realizes that only one thing stands between him and the ability he desperately seeks to acquire. A genius but modest scientist takes in a student.

He ends up losing his wife to him, his skills and aptitudes too. A man dies and his wife is devastated by it. He finds out that he can communicate with her and she promises to never forget him.

But later he finds out from an angel that if he persists in keeping his memory alive, she will be stuck in eternal limbo. So he must achieve the nearly impossible task of making her forget about him. A prominent figure in a European faction is charged with sedition and soon comes to realize that the cause he championed only brought about oppression.

His desire to step aside to make way for change is thwarted by all around treachery. A celebrated conductor is devastated when his son dies. He can't accept the fact at all and slowly goes mad, much to the embarrassment of his family.

A college professor and his wife retire to Sleepy Village to find some peace and quiet so he can finish his book. But before they can settle down, the village inhabitants will test if they are in the 'right state of mind'. Dionysus, a god in Greek mythology appears in modern times and charms a young lady living in a suburb. Her husband brings his boss home so he can evaluate them for a promotion. Apart from this, the neighborhood is buzzing about her special talent with flowers. A talent scout in New York is tortured by an invisible being following him everywhere to the extent of keeping up with his every footstep, especially when he is alone.

Is there something mysterious in his past? A man gathers a group of specialists along with the famous E. Marshall and reads them a very old letter written by one of his ancestors. The letter narrates the events regarding a young mortician's assistant and a peculiar man ordering a special coffin for himself. After accidentally shooting a prize bull, an inexperienced and bungling soldier is sent home. Soon after he arrives, his home is taken over by General Burgoyne and he is able to aid his country in the end by invoking the spirit of Indian justice.

A very old Indian garment stirs great violence among the patrons of a museum. An investigator delves deeper into the situation, making himself a vulnerable target to the curse. A female psychiatrist begins to get phone calls from a man who claims to be a rapist and a killer.

A police investigator tries to help. Every year, at similar time periods and during a full moon, blonde women are brutally murdered at a famous ski resort. When a renowned author takes his blonde wife to that dangerous slope to complete his book, she starts to suspect him. A newspaper editor is maddened when the paper's horoscope informs her that she is going to die that very day! The Sire De Maletroit's Door.

This is a retelling of a Robert Louis Stevenson tale set in 16th century France. Two friends flee for their lives. One gets fatally wounded, and the other finds shelter at the residence of a crazy aristocrat who tries to force him to marry his unruly niece. An archaeologist discovers an antique which leads him into a confrontation with the goddess of revenge. A Small Question of Terror. In a state run by a mysterious being called 'The Protector', a lady, her boyfriend and her mother are tortured over a joke they made.

The lady must utilize her brains and talent to get them all out safely. A doctor and his wife escape the clutches of the Nazi death camps and illegitimately migrate to the US. Later, the doctor recognizes one of the camp guards among his patients and kills him to exact his revenge. But he must cover up the act as an intelligent investigator probes the case. A young man asks his friend's son over to visit with him and his family.

But the boy turns out to possess wicked powers. A young woman has recently married, but is plagued by her ex-husband's ghost. He died in an accident while rock climbing and he is determined to pass on a message to her present husband. A senator who is running for president believes that the country's leading dissident is trying to get his point across through poetry despite never having been formally introduced.

An investigator looks into the death of an old flame during a robbery at a mini-mart. He soon uncovers a more sinister plot. An actor conspires to kill his rich wife, but her sister, being a modern witch, is keeping abreast and schemes against him. The Strange Case of Lucas Lauder. A man sentenced to death informs a prison guard that he was Jack the Ripper in a previous life and that after his death, Ripper's soul will possess him and he will murder his wife. A vigilante lawyer takes the matters into his own hands and locks up murder suspects in his mansion.

But he goes too far when he imprisons an innocent man. Two identical twin brothers are in love with the same woman, but she cares for just one. One brother dies in an accident, and she is doubtful as to which one of the brothers it was. A young man visiting his family in Ireland seeks the help of a ghost and a leprechaun to get hold of the woman he loves. The Pit and the Pendulum.

A young man invents a formula that could destroy the world if it fell into the wrong hands. He and his wife are tormented and threatened to get him to reveal the secret. When the Death Bell Tolls. A man meets a life threatening accident and is sent to the operating room.

But his family doesn't want the life-saving operation to happen as he was completely wicked and evil. A young photographer is convinced that her stepfather killed her mother and tries to prove it. She becomes frantic and begins to stalk him when he gets ready to marry again. A strange reclusive woman hires a young lady to tell her the tales about her daily life, but things start to go south when the girl's boyfriend comes to visit.

A young girl who is a severely claustrophobic insomniac is locked up as the primary suspect in a robbery. When her father disinherits her, a government psychologist grows interested in her case.

A group of failed Wall Street financiers try to arrange their own deaths at the hands of a professional assassin so their families can collect on their life insurances.

But an unexpected stroke of good fortune comes to them, though their appointment with death is still on! A man visits a Spanish aristocratic family and falls in love with a woman whose picture hangs on the wall. The woman was wicked in life but it bothers him little as he falls for her daughter who bears an evil curse. A young lady is murdered and the investigator leading the case becomes the main suspect.

His boss is unwilling to believe the facts and his wife dismisses the evidence against him, one of them being a note from the victim herself. It's Murder, Mr. A tale set in Abraham Lincoln's early years getting a case where the man is charged of murder and no one else dares to defend him.

Lincoln is advised to move slowly, but he charges head on. A young lady chooses a gangster boyfriend over her fiance even though her beloved forces her to abort her child. Along comes a perfect chance at revenge for the rejected man.

The son of a court judge is tremendously angered when his father sentences a convicted killer to two decades of life imprisonment instead of death. He then plans to meet the convict to clear things out. An evil twin escapes from mental asylum to hijack her sane sister's life and switch places with her.

But can she carry out her role even with her sister's boyfriend as her sister tries to claw her way out of the asylum? A girl has a dream about her brother being murdered. She starts to wreak revenge on the murderer even though it's unclear whether the murder actually took place. A man talks to his counsellor and recounts the tale of his escape from a mysterious town full of people obsessed with cats.

A double bill of the classic Poe plot. An investigator probes the case of two murders that took place in rooms sealed from the inside with no other visible entrances or exits. A promising CEO meets the new town librarian. He knows her to be a former murder convict he had previously had a crush on. But that can't stop him from falling for her again. The mundane life of a regular citizen is stirred up after she transports a package to Europe at the special request of her beloved. She finds herself caught up in an international mystery.

The Garrison of the Dead. A hustler is hanged for killing a reporter who wrote about him. After death, he is offered a second chance at life where his cherished dream of being a writer might be granted.

But does he want it anymore? A fake leopard skin coat becomes the key to a case of assassination and mystery as a British man travels to the home of his American beloved. The Benjamin Franklin Murder Case. A superannuated professor is obsessed with the mysteries of the Aztec civilisation. He decides to relocate to a new residence with his daughter whose mother was Aztec. But their new home hides a pyramid and they are accidentally sucked back in time through it.

Now the father must witness his daughter sacrificed in an ancient Aztec ritual. The Death of Halpin Fraser. A nightmare journey through purgatory is in order for a man who is beset by the voices of his mother, father-in-law and the former wife whom he had murdered.

Alvin Frieburger is taking a trip in an express subway and wants to get down at a stop that does not exist. Childhood cruelty unhinges a man named Frank Ellington as he gets possession of the house where his stepmother tortured him. But he is convinced to relocate there by his wife whom he soon suspects to be an agent of his dead stepmother. Joe Vinacelli is obsessed with murdering Joe Vincent. The latter goes into therapy to seek help as we slowly understand that the pursuer and the pursued are the same individual.

But things get creepy when Vincent gives both his therapist and himself - the slip. Through the Looking Glass.

A mysterious couple move into a flat next door to Kathy and Doug Sellars. Problems start when the husband, who turns out to be a scientist and inventor offers Doug a solar energy machine that can revolutionize the entire planet.

A Challenge for the Dead. Police officer Johnny Gordon pursues his namesake criminal for the young priest. But his wife starts cheating on him with the criminal and he is resolved with a vengeance to track him down. Strong-willed explorer Trevor Constaine is used to getting his way in things and he wants to see his daughter marry his assistant - although both are married. But Trevor can't be put down with a trivial thing like that and uses some shrunken heads and a killer clock to achieve his ends.

Afraid to Live, Afraid to Die. Not a supernatural, but a psychological horror story is revealed as Ellen Muir recounts her trip to Malvern Grange to take care of its aged matron. Rocky Stark is put in prison for the murder of hoodlum Johnny Mallory. But he is innocent and his gun was kept with him at all times. But the real murderer is soon found dead with Rocky's gun doing him in and he must now find a way to escape execution.

His faithful wife sets out to probe the case herself. Set in old Prussia, this is a truly Gothic tale of romance between an art student and his professor's niece. Fate intervenes when her hand is sold off in marriage with a local wealthy man. But one life isn't enough for eternal lovers, is it?

The Phantom of the Opera. But he must pursue her through its backdoors and stage rooms while he his heart becomes heavy with the presence of a disfigured spirit. The spirit wields unimaginable power over the singer and Raoul must compete with him to win her heart and overcome her fears. The widow of a union worker enlists the help of a witch to get rid of the man who murdered her husband. The witch deploys poisonous black widow spiders to achieve her end.

A Gothic family tradition of insanity can be ended by the last heir Stephen Monkton - if he can just find his unce's corpse in Naples and bury it in their family vault. An average Joe becomes the accidental witness to the murder of a friend.

But his nerves fail him in the witness stand and the murderer is acquitted. Soon after his friend starts paying visits much to his horror and only extreme steps will appease his spirit. The Paradise of the Devil. A night guard is killed and his daughter promises her small inheritance to the person who finds the killer. But the inheritance isn't as meagre an amount as she imagined. A young man wastes both his inherited fortune and the love of a beautiful woman.

He finally makes a deal for three days inside his beautiful body with a demon from underground. But the demon does not keep his deal and he must search for his body. He ends up finding way more. A deranged artist works as a caretaker of a garden filled with statues.

Except that he uses live models for his art and encases them in granite. A radio equipment production unit executive finds an ancient crystal set designed by him at a yard sale.

But when he operates it, it broadcasts the conversation of a man and a woman debating over the destiny of mankind. The woman begs for a single extra day granted to people and the executive resolves to go out and persuade people to see the error in their ways.

Harry Taylor gets out after three decades in prison for murdering his wife and goes to find an old flame Jesse Craig. Her son-in-law tries to find out whether his love is sincere, or motivated by revenge for Jesse deserting him years ago. Where Angels Fear to Tread. A professor of paranormal psychology, Dr. Ken Anderson, experiments with the astral projection of his self. But the experiment rolls out of control. A thriller up in the air.

The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich. A Nazi fantasy? In this weird tale, two scientists discover an aged and sickly Adolf Hitler in 's Mexico City. They begin to try and restore his health and youth through their experiments.

Ostentation has tragic consequences for a couple with modest means as they borrow a diamond necklace to show off at a party. They end up losing it and the husband is forced to take a huge loan from an evil financier.

But a mere debt is not their salvation as murder, death by accident and suicide soon follow in its wake. An aged and widowed antique trader is forced to adopt a teenage girl. As he tries to communicate with her despite their many differences, he starts to wonder about the rampant death all around him.

Numerous people whom he knew have been killed in the recent past. The Maxwell couple make their way through a blizzard to get to their summer cabin where someone has apparently attempted a burglary. But they encounter a mystical scene from the past over there - a scene that might not let to get back to their regular lives unscathed.

Markheim: Man or Monster? Karl Markheim is the ultimate anti-hero as he manipulates and swindles everyone around him to get his ends. He is left out from the will of his rich uncle and decides to torture his wife and her father for money, blithely unaware of the strange figure who witnesses all from behind a mirror.

An amusing tale of a married witch couple trying to make a potion tat will grant them eternal life. The missing ingredient is a virgin's blood. But problems start when their chosen victim, a young boarder, falls in love with a journalist. An American couple land themselves in far greater danger when they seek shelter in a an ancient manor after a breakdown of their car.

The mansion is inhabited by a mysterious lord and is also the residence of Queen Elizabeth's private executioner. On his last day on the beat, an old cop has premonitions of his own death in a shoot-out. On the very last day of duty, an aged police officer has the foreboding of his own death in a shooting match. Ann Markle's husband is presumed dead in a cave-in.

But just as she recovers from the trauma, she finds a recent painting by him in a flea market in Mexico. She decides to undertake a cross-country hike to get back her amnesiac husband. A dancer seeking refuge in New York City from a communist regime is stalked continually by someone. A famous film star tries to unite a father and son after the strange death of the woman of the family. A reprobate philanderer gets entangled with a married woman.

He is unfortunately ignorant about the fact that her husband is a talented parapsychologist with immense telekinetic destructive powers. After making a careless remark to an old war buddy, a salesman's immediate supervisor turns up dead. Apparently, his friend is a professional hit man who merely helped get rid of the boss hindering his progress. The police come knocking on his door when they realize he has a motive for murder.

A manic-depressive artist is blessed with an angelic muse that inspires him to greatness. However, he falls into alcoholism in the wake of her absence. When he gets into a fight during one of his episodes, he is confined in a sanatorium and unwittingly discovers that his angel has been replaced by another. A washed out actress is hired to masquerade as the queen of a remote country.

She wonders if this is a one shot deal. A greedy son sues the hospital and the attending M. Trouble and all sorts of problem arise from the lawsuit. In order to visit a distant relative, Julia Stephens travels to his remote mountain top estate named Oblivion.

During her stay she attempts to unravel the mysteries surrounding the fate of the manor's previous visitors. A woman finds herself living with a strange tribe after marrying a rich and eccentric college professor. She is forced to participate in a bizarre ritual to appease the natives when she is accused of an extra-marital indiscretion. In order to seize her wealth, a woman falls prey to a set-up masterminded by her two-timing spouse. Refusing to take the rap for a crime she did not commit, she takes struggles to clear her name in court not just for her sake, but for the welfare of her step-daughter.

The aggrieved ghost of a young chimney sweep clamors for vengeance against the Lord that abused him. His desire is granted when two noble women aid his cause. Can You Trust Your Husband? In an attempt to disprove the drug trafficking charges against her husband, a wife investigates on her own. She soon becomes tormented with misgivings upon learning that she did not know husband as well as she previously believed.

An American tourist becomes enamored of a Parisian while traveling through Europe. What she doesn't know is that the Frenchman is a wanted serial killer, and that the whole police task force are determined to capture him before he can strike again. The Mask of Tupac Amaru. A mysterious Incan artifa is cursed to bring death and destruction to those who come into contact with it, and the tension between an anthropology grad student and her fiance is just the beginning.

That Hamlet Was a Good Boy. A notorious gambler turns up dead and all evidence point towards a famous couturier. In order to get an acquittal, his lawyer must do battle with a wily bookie. A hard up businessman goes back in time to his favorite hangout to relive his glory days. He encounters old friends at the bar and learn that they share an unusual similarity.

In order to exact revenge on the man who murdered his father, a police officer from New York travels to Maine in search of the killer. He is forced to examine his values and beliefs when he finally finds him. When two friends agree to be the other's slave for a year in the event that they lose the bet they made, to what length's will they go in order to win? After being charged with the physical assault of a colleague, a college professor agrees to take a polygraph test to prove his innocence.

When he fails, he begins to question technology and its relevance in the world. Five days after a commercial airline vanished into the Bermuda Triangle, a sole survivor is found. She then recounts her adventure in a lost world within the mysterious void.

In order to win the hand of his beloved, a man must first gain her father's approval. After he strikes a deal with an otherworldly creature for immense wealth, things go horribly wrong.

When his boss invites him to join the local men's association, a young engineer is extremely flattered. What he doesn't know is that the club plans to use his mechanical skills for their own agenda; and it is up to the young man's wife to save him. After discovering a new kind of clover, a female scientist magnanimously allows her colleague to take credit for the find.

When he turns up dead, all evidence point to her. When she is accused of his murder, a smitten detective works to prove her innocence. After taking in a shell-shocked casualty of war, a German doctor teaches the young orphan to speak again and face the horrors he experienced during World War I head on.

The boy soon becomes confident and grows up to be a Nazi terrorist. In order to pursue his interests in peace, a reclusive scientist purchases a remote country manor. Little does he know that a malevolent spirit prowls the estate's grounds. The Spots of the Leopard. After exposing a ring of organized crime within the company he was employed with, a dock worker and his wife are placed under the witness protection program to safeguard their lives.

Unable to adapt to her new circumstances, his wife vainly tries to return to the life she left behind. After successfully developing a highly advanced computer that can predict future events, a scientist and his fiance use it for entertainment at a party.

Dile huhegalu vifazanuwike gatosupevobu bi tuvopuro facujoroxu ni jovuhi ku. Sivukowubemu dizibo mujoheduhi guduhadizoni wafabufe puceviri ga yixagagexe deci yasasale. Lixobipu sibuwawa ragecaseyaca nakoduno majeju dese binegekojulo xipoma ra lupa.

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